Shops in Penarth


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Capus Pet & Garden Supplies, (Garden)
Chamberlain Flowers, (Florists)
Cloggs, (Shoes)
O I Drake, (Opticians)
Ogam Igam, (Shoes)
Pearnes Pharmacy Ltd, (Chemists)
Tesco PENARTH, (High Street)
The Bike Shop, (Sports)
The Flower Branch, (Gifts)
WHSmith, (High Street)

Brit Quote:
Old men are dangerous: it doesn't matter to them what is going to happen to the world - George Bernard Shaw
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On this day:
First Bathing Suit on Sale - 1830, The Jarrow March begins - 1936, Monty Python 1st screened - 1969, IRA Bomb Guildford - 1974, Paddington Rail Crash - 1999
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