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5950 views since 4th April 2007

Events in Cumbria

Carlisle Fireshow

An event in November in Cumbria
Bitts Park
Event begins: 30th November -0001
Carlisle Fireshow ends on 30th November -0001

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Latest review - Fantastic firework display coupled with really unusual bonfire. Each year show is in a different ...More

A themed annual event held in Bitts Park, Carlisle.
Pre-entertainment starts at 6.30pm and the bonfire lit at 7pm. The whole event usually lasts for around an hour.
Admission is free, although collections will be made for local charities.

Carlisle Tourist Information Centre
Tel: 01228 598596

If you have been to this event in the past please review it for us here

More Events in Cumbria in March

South Cumbria Music Festival, Coronation Hall, Ulverston

Teddies go Free at Easter, Muncaster Castle, Ravenglass

Words by the Water Literature Festival, Theatre by the Lake, Keswick

Riot of Rhododendrons, Muncaster Castle, Ravenglass

Ambleside Daffodil and Spring Flower Show, Ambleside Kelsick Centre, Ambleside

Brit Quote:
All men are liable to error; and most men are, in many points, by passion or interest, under temptation to it. - John Locke
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On this day:
Battle of Berwick - 1296, Fire Claims 19 Glasgow Firefighters - 1960
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