Birds of Prey weekend


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7219 views since 25th June 2007

Events in Surrey

Birds of Prey weekend

An event in July in Surrey
Woodcote Green Nurseries
Event begins: 30th November -0001
Birds of Prey weekend ends on 30th November -0001
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Latest review - Review...."great day fantastic entertainment falcons were great sheep dog and ducks fantastic will be going again" ...More

Birds of Prey weekend,Saturday July 21st and Sunday July 22nd, a chance to see these spectacular birds in flight and on display at the south-east's largest independent garden centre and growing nursery. Plus shows by the Drakes of Hazard sheepdog and duck display team. Free admission. Car park and catering facilities. Details on 020 8647 6838.

If you have been to this event in the past please review it for us here

More Events in Surrey in March

Purley Indoor Car Boot Sale, St Mark's Church Hall, Purley

Spring Music Festival, Guildford

UK Wife Carrying Races, The Nower, Dorking

International Playwriting Festival, Warehouse Theatre, Croydon

Guildford International Music Festival, Guildford

Small living Willow Structures for the Garden, Eastbridge Willows, Farnham

Brit Quote:
If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever. - A A Milne
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On this day:
Battle of Berwick - 1296, Fire Claims 19 Glasgow Firefighters - 1960
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