Architecture 08


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6111 views since 25th February 2008

Events in Surrey

Architecture 08

An event in May in Surrey
University of Surrey
Event begins: 30th November -0001
Architecture 08 ends on 30th November -0001
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Architecture Week, traditionally held nationwide in June, has grown. Architecture 08 is a celebration of architecture across the South East, run by the Royal Institute of British Architects South East with the Solent Centre for Architecture + Design on behalf of Arts Council England, South East. Events are taking place all over the country in May and June.
Architecture 08 starts in Guildford on Thursday 15 May 2008 at the University of Surrey. Professor Chris Wise, Managing Director of Expedition Engineering on the subject of ‘Serious Fun’, is delivering the Annual Architecture Lecture in the School of Management Lecture Theatre. Professor Wise is one of a new generation of built environment designers and is the engineer behind London’s wobbly bridge.
Tickets and further information can be found by calling 01483 562690.

If you have been to this event in the past please review it for us here

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