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5171 views since 6th April 2009

Events in Suffolk

Dawn chorus and breakfast

An event in May in Suffolk
RSPB Minsmere Nature Reserve
Event begins: 30th November -0001
Dawn chorus and breakfast ends on 30th November -0001
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for Dawn chorus and breakfast as your favourite British event.

Saturday 2, Sunday 10 and Saturday 16 May. Start at 4 am (2.5 hours, plus breakfast).
Dawn chorus can be an unforgettable Minsmere experience, with everything from bitterns to nightingales, Cetti’s warblers to avocets, joining in the chorus as the sun rises. A hearty breakfast in the tearoom rounds off a perfect start to the day.

These are our most popular walks, so please book early. Costs are adults £14, RSPB members £12, children £10.50, or RSPB Wildlife Explorers £9.50.

If you have been to this event in the past please review it for us here

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I do detest everything which is not perfectly mutual. - Lord Byron
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