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4260 views since 17th October 2012

Events in Bedfordshire


An event in December in Bedfordshire
Grove Theatre
Event begins: 30th November -0001
Pantomime ends on 30th November -0001
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for Pantomime as your favourite British event.

Traditional family entertainment, bringing a magical fairytale to life with singing, dancing, special effects, and lots of laughter.

Box office: 01582 602080

If you have been to this event in the past please review it for us here

More Events in Bedfordshire in March

Biggleswade Antiques Fair, The Weatherley Centre, Biggleswade

Dunton Folk, March Hare, Dunton

Bedfordshire Festival of Music, Speech and Drama, Bedford

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I should prefer to have a politician who regularly went to a massage parlour than one who promised a laptop computer for every teacher. - A N Wilson
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Battle of Berwick - 1296, Fire Claims 19 Glasgow Firefighters - 1960
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