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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Year: 2002
Director: Chris Columbus
Cast: Daniel Radcliffe , Rupert Grint, Emma Watson , Matt Lewis, Harry Melling, Tom Felton Julie Walters , Mark Williams, Richard Harris, Robbie Coltrane , Alan Rickman , Dame Maggie Smith , Kenneth Branagh , Richard Griffiths , Fiona Shaw, John Cleese , Miriam Margoyles , David Bradley.
Set Locations:
Northern England: Shot in and around Alnwyck Castle in Northumberland
Central England: Lacock Abbey in Wiltshire & Gloucester
For private tours of Harry Potter film locations click here
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, directed by Chris Columbus and released in 2002, was the second in the highly popular 'Harry Potter' series of films. The films are based on the equally popular series of novels by author J K Rowling . The film was a huge box office success, with receipts of around $879 million.

The story begins with Harry back home for the summer holidays, under the oppressive eye of the magic hating Dursley family. Dobby, the house elf, appears to Harry who has been locked in his room for a visit by Uncle Dursley's boss. He warns Harry that it is dangerous for him to return to Hogwarts. Harry is stubborn and Dobby attempts to use magic to persuade him; hovering a cake above the boss's head and dropping it on top of him. Uncle is, of course, convinced that Harry is to blame and bars his windows in an attempt to stop him from returning to Hogwarts. Harry is rescued by his friends in a flying car but this is only the start of his troubles. Later, Ron and Harry miss the Hogwarts Express at Kings Cross Station and end up using the flying car to get back to Hogwarts.

Hogwarts is in the grip of fear and Hagrid is accused as many pupils (including Hermione) are found petrified. It is up to Harry to prove Hagrid is innocent by finding the real culprit (a Basilisk) and also finding out who is behind it all. It turns out to be Tom Riddle, heir of Slytherin, whom Harry finally defeats.

Hogwarts interiors are filmed mostly in the beautiful buildings in the famous University City of Oxford. The magnificent library is actually the Bodleian Library in Broad Street in Oxford. This collection of splendid architecture houses the second largest library in England. JRR Tolkien studied at Oxford before becoming a professor there. He was known to be very familiar with the Red Book of Hergest which was kept at the Bodleian Library. It is believed to have influenced him in creating his Red Book of Westmarch, which tells the tale of the Lord of the Rings. Many of Tolkien's manuscripts are kept at the library.

The station scene at Kings Cross Station is actually filmed across the road at St Pancras Station, which has been recently restored to its former glory as St Pancras International. This picturesque station features almost palatial architecture and provides a direct connection to the Channel Tunnel and Europe.

Other locations in the film worth a visit are Alnwick Castle in Northumberland and the Glenfinnan region of the Highlands in Scotland.

Places to stay nearby:
Northern England:Great places to stay very nearby include White Swan Hotel , Orchard House B&B , a traditional Inn called The Sportsman Hotel or self catering with Percy Apartments
Central EnglandGreat places to stay nearby include Hatherley Manor Hotel , Edward Hotel B&B , a traditional Inn called The New Inn or self catering with A Cottage in the Country, (Gloucester) or the lovely Red Lion in Lacock

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