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Kent Reports

Canterbury, Kent

Review of Canterbury by Margaret Minoletti on February 20th, 2006
Although we spent our Sunday in Canterbury buffeted by strong easterly winds and penetrating cold rain, we were very impressed by the Sung Eucharist at 11am in the Cathedral. Awe-inspiring though the cathedral is at any time, it really becomes sublime when you hear the choir voices soaring up into the vaulted roof and watch the procession of robed clerics as they walk serenly through the transept, past hundreds of years of history. We enjoyed walking around the shopping centre too; it's on a manageable scale and felt friendly. Enjoyed a light lunch in an Italian restaurant/pizza bar near the centre. Parked for free (at weekends only) in the Council car park; this was about 10 minutes walk from the Town centre, but a useful saving when the short-stay car park charges 70p per hour.

Brit Quote:
If God did not intend for us to eat animals, then why did he make them out of meat? - John Cleese
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On this day:
Battle of Towton - 1461, Battle of Alresford - 1644, Albert Hall Opens - 1871, Captain Scott dies - 1912, First London Marathon - 1981
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