It is important to remember that for every bad review there are probably lots of satisfied customers. These reviews are the comments of individual visitors to Information Britain and have not been authenticated by us. They should not be taken as the views of Crawbar Ltd - publishers of this web site.

Reviews of Alexandra Theatre, Arts & Exhibition Centre, Birmingham

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Review by E Friedl - Hogarth on 12th December, 2006

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I thought the show "This is Elvis " 18th March 2006 was fantastic, the best tribute show ever! if you closed your eyes it was hard to believe it was not Elvis himself you were listening to. P.S. Could you please tell me the name of the guy who performed "Elvis" and is he likely to make a return performance to the Alexander.

Date visited: 18th March 2006

Review by Joanna on 27th March, 2006

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I purchased tickets at a cost of 24.50 a seat with 1 free for opening night of THIS IS ELVIS. The tickets were a mothers day gift for my mother in law. She arrived to discover that there were in fact 6 people with tickets for the same 2 seats. She thought the show itself was fabulous but this was overshadowed by the embarrasment of the mix up over seats. She was moved to 'lesser' seats by the usher after being told her tickets were complimentary. I have written a complaint in writing to the theatre but have not yet received a reply. I am furious. Kind regards

Date visited: 13th March 2006

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I have long held the view that if a Vet cannot catch his patient there is not much to worry about - James Herriot
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