
It is important to remember that for every bad review there are probably lots of satisfied customers. These reviews are the comments of individual visitors to Information Britain and have not been authenticated by us. They should not be taken as the views of Crawbar Ltd - publishers of this web site.

Reviews of Owain Glyndwr Hotel, Corwen

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Jacqui on 29th May, 2008

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Good Points: It had all the amenities you would expect in a hotel. Bad Points: The whole place needs a total cosmetic overhaul. Though please do not think that this detracted us from enjoying the stay. It was all slightly dated, the place would certainly benefit from a lick of paint. Our room was on the roadside and this meant it was tad noisy with traffic and throwing out of pub time. General review: Ample car parking, albeit across the road and down the street. Lovely staff, hardworking as well. On that night the chef had let them down so the owner rolled his sleeves up and became chef for the night and was then there first thing in the morning for breakfast. Don't be put off by the run down nature of the property on the outside, consided it to be faded grandeur. Nice breakfast as well and willing to accommodate early morning requests.

Date visited: 2008-05-29

Review by mark woods on 22nd February, 2008

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cam to corwen for a weekend where we played local team corwen fc. had a fantastic time and got well looked after by the hotel landlord (everyone must see that guy he is a legend, if you saw him you would know what i mean) bit special!! hotel was clean bit dated but we didnt mind because we were a noisy bunch of footy boys so glad they put up with us coz we are a handfull at times. good breakfast in morning and overall a good time had by all.......lost the footy on pens though but hey nevermind!! RUNNY EGG ON TOAST!!

Date visited: 14/2/08

Review by anon on 6th September, 2006

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Unclear where to park. Incomprehensible landlord, though pleasant. Nice room, towels, complimentary items, drink making facilitles. And refreshed both days. Fixtures- sink and towel rail- coming away from wall. Afixed showerhead. Peeling paint on pipes and windows. Heating on too hot. Decor from the early 80's. Generally un cared for, and thus th eprice a bit excesive. Uneven floor -though thats expected from such old building! The blurb claimed decor in character of biulding but it isn't. Should be renovated for exposed beams and plain walls. The main worry is that on returning from a day out the cleaner had left the key in the door to our room! AND the door ajar!! So any other guest, or anyone, could have gone in and stolen our valuables!! That was a scary shock after returning from a lovely day out.

Date visited: September

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