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Reviews of Black Horse Inn, Maidstone

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by petenalfiedog on 3rd July, 2009

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this was!!!!!! my fav pub.the chef was french and the kitchen turned out fine gastro pub food.this has now all changed.the pub now has extended whch has over extended the kitchen and the average staff i it.we witness chefs running ou of the kitchen to retrieve plates sent in error.a once well oiled machine is now just ordinary.this will remain a busy pub but the fare is now over priced and a sunday roast is top end price and you now get an lower than average frozen yorkshire.the beef is now jaw acheingly over cooked and dry.add to this over extented staff and a bar manager who spent the whole service snarling at them.oh dear.gie this a miss and take a look at the white horse in bearsted or the newly opened dirty habit at hollingourne village

Date visited: trying to forget

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