
It is important to remember that for every bad review there are probably lots of satisfied customers. These reviews are the comments of individual visitors to Information Britain and have not been authenticated by us. They should not be taken as the views of Crawbar Ltd - publishers of this web site.

Reviews of Green Man Hotel, Harlow

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Review by Anonymous on 27th October, 2009

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Good Points: Shower working fine, also tv; coffee making facilities good Bad Points: no smoking rooms at all; to smoke had to exit outdoors - no outside, adequate lighting, which meant I could not do my crossword and drink my coffee as I had planned! No dry seating outside either, which made a non-relaxing seat outside. General review: Relaxing indoors, until had to go outside to smoke in the damp and darkness

Date visited: 2009-10-27

Review by Gudrun on 15th September, 2009

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Good Points: Helpful friendly staff Bad Points: room in poor state of repair and decoration, hot water tap on shower not working, big crack in wash basin, towels didn't seem very fresh poor selection of continental breakfast at 9o'clock, General review: overall ok

Date visited: 2009-09-15

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