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Reviews of New Inn, Winchelsea

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Raymond on 12th September, 2009

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Good Points: VERY CLEAN AND TIDY - GOOD FOR THE PRICE Bad Points: ENTRANCE FROM THE REAR CAR PARK GIVES QUITE A BAD IMPRESSION - BUT IT IS SHORT LIVED - IT DOES GET BETTER ONCE IN THE HOTEL SECTION General review: Overall a really good experience - we wanted to stay in Rye, but everywhere was fully booked. On first entering the hotel, you wonder what your in for, the car park is round the back of the hotel, which is fine, you then enter a child's/games rome with pool table/dart board etc - its not a grand entrance by no means. As you walk through to receptiont, then the bar, then the resturant, it just gets better every step of the way. We stayed in the best room they had (we arrived early and looked in all the rooms), which was room No 1 - it overlooked the church - quite impressive if you are into old building, we also had a four poster bed which was quite nice, but not v.big. We ate in the restaurant - ok,but just ok, I suggest you eat out in Rye - the village of Winchelsea is absolutly charming - picture postcard stuff,and well worh a walk around - overall,for the money, ideal - i'd stay there again.

Date visited: 2009-09-12

Review by Raymond on 12th September, 2009

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Good Points: VERY CLEAN AND TIDY - GOOD FOR THE PRICE Bad Points: ENTRANCE FROM THE REAR CAR PARK GIVES QUITE A BAD IMPRESSION - BUT IT IS SHORT LIVED - IT DOES GET BETTER ONCE IN THE HOTEL SECTION General review: Overall a really good experience - we wanted to stay in Rye, but everywhere was fully booked. On first entering the hotel, you wonder what your in for, the car park is round the back of the hotel, which is fine, you then enter a child's/games rome with pool table/dart board etc - its not a grand entrance by no means. As you walk through to receptiont, then the bar, then the resturant, it just gets better every step of the way. We stayed in the best room they had (we arrived early and looked in all the rooms), which was room No 1 - it overlooked the church - quite impressive if you are into old building, we also had a four poster bed which was quite nice, but not v.big. We ate in the restaurant - ok,but just ok, I suggest you eat out in Rye - the village of Winchelsea is absolutly charming - picture postcard stuff,and well worh a walk around - overall,for the money, ideal - i'd stay there again.

Date visited: 2009-09-12

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