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Reviews of Hope and Anchor Inn, Fishguard

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by John on 15th August, 2008

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If you want to impress your friends & family when you go back after your holiday and say you met a real Welsh Dragon in the flesh then visit the Hope & Anchor at Fishguard and ask for the landlady THE most rude, offensive & nasty owner of a public house I have ever met in my life to the point of walking out Luckily, she was the only Dragon in Pembrokeshire I met as every other person I met on my weeks walking along the Coast path was extremely friendly and welcoming and I would recommend visiting this most beautiful part of Britain This woman is a very bad advert for a lovely area with great people - I heard the pub will soon be changing hands - not a moment too soon - she is in the wrong trade

Date visited: Aug 08

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