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Reviews of The Bull i'th' Thorn, Buxton

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Ruth Charles on 6th September, 2007

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Overall a very bad experience. Our large group had arranged to camp at their campsite over the August bank holiday weekend, and were looking forward to the warm welcome, fine ales and home cooked food we had been assured awaited us. The reality was rather different. When I arrived after a 4 hour drive I went to the pub to check in and was told off for parking my car in almost empty car park. That landlady who runs the camping site made me feel most unwelcome, snatching payment from my hands with a grunt. Asking about the availability of food that evening I was informed that bookings were required. Asking whether a booking was possible met with some indignation - I was reluctantly told to be there at 7.30. We arrived on time for our meal at the pub, and were led to a side room where most of the tables were covered in uncleared plates and flies. The food was atrocious - low quality, frozen and only part cooked. We complained about the food and got short shrift. Other members of our group reported brusque and rude service from the pub throughout our stay and bad quality food. Overall a terrible experience. I advise you to take your custom elsewhere. The people who run this establishment should be ashamed of themselves.

Date visited: 24 August 2007

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