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Reviews of Westbrook Farm Park, Ludlow

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Joy Batchford on 9th August, 2009

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Having read most of the reviews we would agree with everyone about the location and upkeep of this site. It is in a beautiful location and very well kept. However, unfortunately our review is not one praising the owners. This was our first venture out in our new motorhome. We booked in June for 2 nights prior to receiving our motorhome and we were really looking forward to this. We were told when we booked we could only book for a minimum of 2 nights. We paid a £20 deposit. We arrived late Friday evening having had a 100 mile drive after work. There was a note waiting for us telling us to settle up for the second day in the morning. The following morning the female owner of the site cycled around to our motorhome. She told us we had to be off the site by 12 noon!! When she was advised we'd booked for 2 nights she was very defensive and stated she was not aware of that but none the less she would check be we would "have" to move pitch regardless!! We would have to go up to the office to check. This was at 11:00 a.m. and we had just got ready to go off on a 8 mile walk. We went up to the office and the lady said she had got us down for 2 nights, however we would still "have" to move as she had someone coming in for 2 weeks. Prior to this she had told us all the pitches were the same so we asked her why the people coming in could not use a different pitch only to receive a very curt reply "Have you never made a mistake" - again being very defensive!! We then pointed out she must have known we were staying for 2 nights contrary to what she had earlier said as she had written on the note settle up the balance the next day and there is a 2 day minimum booking!! The lady (owner - Olive we think her name is) became aggressive in her mannerism. My husband didn't like the way she had spoken and acted to us stating if we had been "asked" in a polite manner to move and at least an apology for the mix up had been forthcoming, there wouldn't have been an issue. As it was we had been subjected to her rude mannerism and clearly were not welcome as a 2 week booking was taking precedence over our 2 day booking. We packed up and left. This ruined our 1st weekend out in our motorhome. On leaving we met the lady's husband who had clearly been briefed by her and denied she would have been rude (obviously!). As pointed out to him, he wasn't there so was not in a position to comment. We sincerely believe this will not be the norm, however, take note - check your booking with them prior to arriving and make sure they have confirmed it in writing. Also beware - if a more lucrative booking comes along, you may be subjected to the same treatment!!

Date visited: 07/08/2009

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