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Reviews of Copley Arms, Torpoint

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Michael Lee on 1st January, 2009

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I'm not one for complaining, but with the high price of beer nowadays I do expect at least decent service. This I certainly did not get at the Copley Arms. Myself and my wife went in there for a afternoon drink,I wanted a beer my wife a coffe,the young girl behind the bar said the kitchen was closed and she couln't do coffee,(bearing iin mind we were the only customers - surprise, surprise.) My beer was a poor excuss for a pint to say the least (I drink in St Austell Beer pubs and I must say generally their beer is of first class standard)The Copleys was not(I find there is no point in telling a young barmaid the beer isn't up to standard they normally shrug their shoulders,say sorry about that then walk away).There was also a young child in the bar playing with toys and making a hell of a row (I can only assume this was the landlords/landladys child). When my wife attempted to purchase some crisps/nuts she was meet with an empty serving area. The lady in question had disappeared (maybe she was making herself a coffee?). After waiting a few minutes we left the pub with a very bad impression, and will probably not return, unless it changes hands to publicans that appreciate the value of their customers. A pub bar is no place for a child to be in even if it's their home). So in the end I paid £5 for a bad pint and a soft drink my wife did not want, along with having to put up with a child at full volume. If pubs want to survive in this harsh economic climate they have to pull their socks up and look after their customers, running a pub is not a hobby. It should be a serious matter with all due attention given to the customer.

Date visited: Nov 2008

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