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Reviews of Fivelands Veterinary Centre, Birmingham

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Review by Kate Mulleady on 10th September, 2012

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I have just arrived 5 minutes late for a 10 minute appointment at Fivelands vets in Moseley Birmingham. My dog, who recently lost a leg after a traumatic event, and who is suffering from extreme separation anxiety has previously been treated here, and I thought that I would be able to get good advice. However I was told that I couldn't see the vet as I was 5 minutes late and that I would have to re-book - the vets is a long drive from where I live. Apparently the vet is extremely busy (even though there was not another soul in the waiting room, and still isn't as I sit outside writing this review). I am appalled by this service, and will never use these vets again, and would urge other pet owners to think twice before using vets who can be so unresponsive!

Date visited: 10September 2011

Review by Emily Wright on 7th March, 2011

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Prince Jasper is 11months old. I’ve been taking him to fivelands since I got him as a tiny kitten. He was microchipped there and is now in the process of getting his pet passport so i can take him abroad with me. I’ve found fivelands vets to be very helpful, taking a genuine interest in Jasper and providing and rescheduling appointments for me as needed. The waiting area is pretty relaxed with toys and accessories on display and informative, attractive notice boards to look at as well as several leaflets available. He’s had 3 different vets and they’ve all been great listeners as well as providing a wealth of information. The receptionists are lovely and more than willing to call taxis for me after appointments but also give advice and communicate with Jasper. Over the last 9 months I’m not sure how much I’ve spent there but altogether including flea spot on treatments, nail clipping, toys and a couple of cat carriers, vaccinations, eye drops, blood test for his pet passport etc it must be between £300 and £400. Personally I find this very reasonably. I always leave feeling reassured which is worth more than the money I part with. I have never seen the in-patient hospital area and I hope I never have to. I’m surprised by the other review as I have never had anything but positive experiences regarding fivelands. If Jasper was to stay overnight as an in-patient it would be nice if they provided simple bed and breakfast rooms for the owners so they could be near by. I don’t think they do this but it could perhaps be something to think about for the future.

Date visited: 2011

Review by Laura on 1st July, 2009

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I brought my thirteen year old cat in as she had lost a lot of weight so they did lots of expensive tests and diagnosed overactive thyroid. A week after putting her on tablets I brought her back because her breathing was laboured - they kept her in for a couple of days for more tests then asked me to bring her to another hospital for more careful monitoring (??) When I picked her up she was literally gasping for breath and so frightened. Within five minutes of bringing her to the other vet they diagnosed massive tumours in her stomach and invited me to feel them. They said that the cancer most likely spread to her major organs and then put her down. Why couldn't fivelands diagnose this sooner - she was in excruciating and needless pain for over a week and I got the privilage of paying over five hundred pounds in bills for it. They rang me a few weeks later when my new vet rang them to ask for my other animals' notes to say how sorry they were that she died. And did I want to discuss anything with the vet? Shame they weren't so concerned before I decided to take my animals (or is that money) elsewhere. If you love your pets - avoid them like the plague - wish I had listened to this advice when it was given to me by several people.

Date visited: 2009

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