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Reviews of The Dundas Arms, Kintbury

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Terry and Eve Jones on 5th July, 2009

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Bluegrass Festival. Festival I would think consists of more than two acts.We paid £12 each for the festival for the two acts. In fairness the acts were good but one act was not as advertised. We had to wear wrist bands to be allowed into the Hollybush Inn where these acts were performing. On the Saturday night there were many people with no wrist bands on who we assumed had not paid. A fight broke out between six or seven of these guys where one person ended up on the floor hurt. As we are pensioners who just enjoy music and sitting quietly listening to it we were quite upset to see this fight, not only that these people without bands on just crowded the pub, their language was atrocious and completely spoilt our pleasure of the evening. We will certainly never go there again but not only us there was young families there who were sleeping in tents and drunken people were falling on the tents that had young babies and children in. In fairness the trouble was not caused by the bluegrass followers but by outsiders who only seemed to be there to cause trouble and get drunk. The site was appalling with rubbish and bottles everywhere. We do not usually complain but felt we had to in this instance. A couple of cheesed off pensioners.

Date visited: 2nd to 5th July

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