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3949 views since 18th August 2012

Events in Wiltshire

St Laurence Street Party

An event in September in Wiltshire
Church Street
Bradford On Avon
Event begins: 30th November -0001
St Laurence Street Party ends on 30th November -0001

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The annual St Laurence Street Party is held in Church Street, Bradford on Avon, to raise money for St Laurence School.

The event, organised by parents and pupils, will include live music, a bar, cakes, a tombola, a street entertainer, a barbecue and craft stalls.

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More Events in Wiltshire in March

Spring Open Day and Factory Sale!, Wentworth Wooden Jigsaw Company Limited, Malmesbury

North Wiltshire Orchestra Spring Concert, Chippenham

Colerne Amateur Operatic Society Spring Show, Colerne

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There is no comparison between that which is lost by not succeeding and that which is lost by not trying. - Sir Francis Bacon
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