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8520 views since 7th June 2007

Events in Wiltshire

Salisbury Show

An event in July in Wiltshire
Hudson's Field
Event begins: 30th November -0001
Salisbury Show ends on 30th November -0001

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Salisbury show is a great day out for all the family. No matter what the weather there is something to do and see. Bring your dog along on Saturday or Sunday and enter it into one of the fun classes at the ‘Scats Novelty dog show’ ie waggiest tail, dog most like its owner.

There are lots of children’s rides, puppets and other entertainment to keep them amused and also the classic car and motorbike display with auto jumble for dad.

Have a go at archery or one of the craft skills in the demonstration area. Wander around the many stalls and demonstration areas. Sit in the bar or at the side of the main arena and enjoy a full programme of events.

This year we have the Knights of Middle England medieval Jousting display, these are fast and furious with thrills and spills. You will marvel at the pageantry as you are included in this fantastic display.

There are also Owls, Falcons, Lurchers, Horses, gundogs, poultry, ferret racing and lots more.

If you have been to this event in the past please review it for us here

More Events in Wiltshire in March

Spring Open Day and Factory Sale!, Wentworth Wooden Jigsaw Company Limited, Malmesbury

North Wiltshire Orchestra Spring Concert, Chippenham

Colerne Amateur Operatic Society Spring Show, Colerne

Brit Quote:
The old believe everything, the middle-aged suspect everything, the young know everything - Oscar Wilde
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