Shakespeare Live


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4597 views since 9th June 2011

Events in Wiltshire

Shakespeare Live

An event in July in Wiltshire
Lackham House
Event begins: 30th November -0001
Shakespeare Live ends on 30th November -0001
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for Shakespeare Live as your favourite British event.

This annual production takes place in early July, in a sylvan setting in mid-Wiltshire, just south of junction 17 of the M4 and within easy reach of Bath, Bristol, Swindon and the surrounding villages.

Take advantage of the long summer evenings by booking tickets for Shakespeare Live at Lackham House. Enjoy picnicking in the lovely landscaped gardens before settling into your reserved seat in the large covered stand to watch one of Shakespeare's best loved works, performed with clarity, humour and elegance by this long-running amateur company.

The gardens open 90 minutes before the show and refreshments are available. Parking is easy and there are disabled facilities.

The box office is 01225 722987 or go to to book online.

Lackham House
SN15 2NY
Telephone: 01225 722987

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North Wiltshire Orchestra Spring Concert, Chippenham

Brit Quote:
Such as we are made of, such we be. - William Shakespeare
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