Chippenham Dragon Boat Race


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6236 views since 22nd July 2009

Events in Wiltshire

Chippenham Dragon Boat Race

An event in July in Wiltshire
Event begins: 30th November -0001
Chippenham Dragon Boat Race ends on 30th November -0001
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Colourful 40ft long Chinese style dragon boats race for charity on the picturesque River Avon at Monkton Park, Chippenham. Enter a team or just spectate. Teams consist of 16 paddlers and 1 drummer (20 person team squads recommended). All team members are expected to raise a minimum of £20 for charity and 2/3rds of the money raised benefits the charity or community organisation of each team captain's choice.

Event takes place alongside 'Art-In-The-Park', a 'hands on' art and crafts event. Food and drink will be available and a licence has been applied for to run a Beer Tent.

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