Bishops Cannings Parish Festival


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Events in Wiltshire

Bishops Cannings Parish Festival

An event in June in Wiltshire
Bishops Cannings
Event begins: 30th November -0001
Bishops Cannings Parish Festival ends on 30th November -0001
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for Bishops Cannings Parish Festival as your favourite British event.

You, your family and friends are invited to enjoy a whole series of events and activities at the Bishops Cannings Parish Festival put on by local groups, local businesses and individuals. The Festival celebrates all that Bishops Cannings has to offer as a place to work, rest and play. Come and join in!

Farm Festival & Family Fun Dog Show
Art Craft and Photography Exhibition
Young People's Community Concert
Angling Competition
Quarter Peal of Bells
Lunchtime Lectures
Groovy 60s Night
5 a side Football
Chariot Racing
Barn Dance
and more ...

Telephone: 01380860244

If you have been to this event in the past please review it for us here

More Events in Wiltshire in March

Colerne Amateur Operatic Society Spring Show, Colerne

North Wiltshire Orchestra Spring Concert, Chippenham

Spring Open Day and Factory Sale!, Wentworth Wooden Jigsaw Company Limited, Malmesbury

Brit Quote:
You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. - C S Lewis
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On this day:
Battle of Berwick - 1296, Fire Claims 19 Glasgow Firefighters - 1960
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