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7700 views since 11th June 2007

Events in Bedfordshire

Woburn Country Fair

An event in June in Bedfordshire
Woburn Abbey
Event begins: 30th November -0001
Woburn Country Fair ends on 30th November -0001
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Three large arenas featuring all day entertainment, attractions, dare devil stunts and country sports create a wonderful show piece.

To complete the family theme, lots of children's fun and activities have been included to keep them entertained for the whole day long. Water balls, puppet shows, bouncy castles, face painting, make and take and maybe learn to handle a gundog, fish and fly a hawk.

Plus first class entertainment provided by some of the countryside's top sports names and organisations. Making an appearance in the main arena is National Horse Boarding Championships. This extreme country sport combines the excitement of horse racing with mountain boarding and guarantees an action-packed spectacle for contestants and spectators alike.

Marquees throughout the event will host an array of delicious local foods, drinks and superb arts and crafts. Hampshire Fair is renowned for having the best selection of top craftsman from throughout the UK. If this isn't enough Hampshire features endless country shopping.

Venue Information:
Woburn Abbey Estate is one of the most beautiful, privately owned stately homes in the UK. Approximately one hour's drive from London, Oxford, Cambridge, Stratford, Birmingham and Leicester. Take exit 13 off the M1 motorway, or leave the A5 at Hockliffe for the A4012. Woburn Abbey is well signed from these locations.

Visit the home of Afternoon Tea and enjoy priceless treasures, breathtaking art, beautiful gardens and ancient stories. Take a walk around the extensive Abbey Gardens and enjoy the inspiration of Humphry Repton the famous landscape gardener and follow the Garden Trail to find out more about what you can see in the Gardens; including our recreation of parts of Repton's original Pleasure Grounds

Telephone: 01283 820548
Contact name: Lesley Difonzo

If you have been to this event in the past please review it for us here

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Dunton Folk, March Hare, Dunton

Biggleswade Antiques Fair, The Weatherley Centre, Biggleswade

Bedfordshire Festival of Music, Speech and Drama, Bedford

Brit Quote:
Men will pay large sums to whores for telling them they are not bores. - W H Auden
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On this day:
Battle of Berwick - 1296, Fire Claims 19 Glasgow Firefighters - 1960
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