
It is important to remember that for every bad review there are probably lots of satisfied customers. These reviews are the comments of individual visitors to Information Britain and have not been authenticated by us. They should not be taken as the views of Crawbar Ltd - publishers of this web site.

Reviews of Three Horseshoes Inn, Thornley

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Anonymous on 14th August, 2009

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Good Points: Friendly staff, excellent food, good location Bad Points: Condition of bathroom decor General review: A good selection for our needs

Date visited: 2009-08-14

Review by Michael Gibbon on 6th July, 2009

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This pub is one of my favourite pubs in the North East. I visit the pub at least once a month and I always get nothing but 100% service. The staff are 100% and the food is well worth it. Reading these comments on this site I think some people need to stay at home and leave good pubs to serve good food. I disagree with people ruining a good pub this is spot on and well worth the stop. The staff are very nice and always provide good personal service. They are also not like American robots and don't use the American pun "enjoy". They are much more personal in their service. If ignore mr Steak and Kidneys comments and pay a visit and Mr Steak and Kidney read the menu next time you can not meet a nicer guy then the one that owns this pub.

Date visited: 5thJuly 2009

Review by Unhappy Diner on 4th May, 2009

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Dont bother. If you are looking for a cosy pub lunch then make sure you pass this pub and leave it on the roadside as it should stay. Scruffy, run down establishment with unreasonable manager. Tried to order what I thought was going to be a "steak and ale" pie. After waiting what seemed like ages our lunch finally came out... steak and kidney!!!! My own fault as I should have spent more time reading the small print.... But even still it was more like "Kidney and gravy pie". I mentioned to the waitress, that I thought I had ordered steak and ale and she was most helpful and offered another meal, but really I didn't want the extra wait. Yes, it was my fault at the end of the day, and next time I will take additional time when ordering food to read all small print.But as I was making the most of the the meal and eating my way around the kidney mountain, the manager decided to be smug and come across and tell me it was on the menu advertised as steak and kidney!! Then even told me I was arguing with him, when all I did was ask to see the menu as I must have misread it.Then to add insult to injury told me yes there is a fair bit kidney in the pie... Well why not advertise it as kidney bloody pie then, cos you were honoured if you had a whiff of steak or ale in it!!!??? Far more cosier pubs around than this one... find the three horse shoes at leamisde much nicer and cleaner, with friendly atmosphere.

Date visited: 4.05.09

Review by Lynne Jones on 22nd January, 2009

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Superb service, helpful and very friendly Landlord, Huge well coooked breakfasts. We did wait a long time in the restaurant, but the food was well cooked and large platefuls. We were made very welcome.

Date visited: 13/12/2008

Review by Anonymous on 17th November, 2008

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Good Points: Owner charming and pesonal service was excellent. A friendly and understated accomadation

Date visited: 2008-11-17

Review by Anonymous on 10th June, 2008

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Good Points: Food - excellent Beer - excellent Manager and Staff - friendly, welcoming and helpful Bad Points: * bathroom carpet was wet and smelly (recently flooded by a guest) * lamps in the room didn't work General review: Enjoyed the experience and hospitality.

Date visited: 2008-06-10

Review by Neil, Rugeley on 12th September, 2006

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Good Points: Friendly pub atmosphere Bad Points: Thought carpets needed renewing and service was very slow in Restaurant General Review: Friendly staff , but Restaurant staff were under severe pressure , 25 people were dinning when we were and EVERY TABLE asked same question , how long do we have to wait for the food , TO LONG was the answer

Date visited: 2006-09-12

Review by sue, chipping norton on 16th August, 2006

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Good Points: Friendly staff, Fab food, Excellent views. All round good hospitality

Date visited: 2006-08-16

Review by Jack, TOTTON on 19th May, 2006

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Bad Points: Few post dinner walks General Review: Bumper well cooked meals. Single beds rather narrow. No hooks or shelves in the bathroom. Bathroom door catch inoperative.

Date visited: 2006-05-19

Review by geoffrey, guildford on 25th March, 2006

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Good Points: The food was great both dinner and breakfast genrous portions and delicious tasting Bad Points: TV was limited and bad reception on some channels General Review: good show overall

Date visited: 2006-03-25

Review by Chris

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"Comfortable, clean, spacoius","There were no problems, it was easy to book and the response confirming the booking by e-mail wa prompt. The proprietors were welcoming and helpful, and I enjoyed the stay."

Date visited: 07/10/2004

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