Feast of Wiltshire


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5324 views since 4th July 2007

Events in Wiltshire

Feast of Wiltshire

An event in September in Wiltshire
Crockerton Meadow
Event begins: 30th November -0001
Feast of Wiltshire ends on 30th November -0001
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Join us on 1 September 2007 on Crockerton Meadow for a fantastic and flavoursome festival of food. Expect to discover an eclectic mouth watering choice of food alongside real ales, wines and ciders from local producers ˆ a true gastronomic celebration of the South West. Many of the area‚s fabulous hotels, restaurants and gastro pubs will be showcasing their talents with cooking demonstrations and food stalls selling a wide array of hot and cold dishes ˆ enabling you to sample lots of fantastic food in the one place throughout the day. Tables and chairs will be set out in the gardens so you can savour the delicacies in comfort. Children will even have an opportunity to prepare ˆ and consume ˆ their very own food at our children‚s cookery school. Designed not only to entertain them on the day, it will hopefully encourage an interest in quality ingredients and the preparation of fantastic dishes that they can continue to put into practice at home. To enthuse more than your taste buds, entertainment will be on hand, including talented musical bands, children‚s entertainers, a face painter, a bouncy castle and a crèche ˆ making it a fabulous day out for the family. There will even be a waiter‚s race!! Farmers Market stalls will be selling a variety of Wiltshire produce: from jams to Jerusalem artichokes, cheeses to cherry pies and pickles to plants. A cordial welcome to take part is being offered to all of our fine local producers. So why not come along, choose from a selection of tasty dishes (from only 50p) from one of the amazing venues taking place, and one of the perfectly chilled guest beers from the beer festival stand ˆ or a jug of pimms, take a table and while away your afternoon in perfect summer style For more information please call Feast on 0700 345 0045

If you have been to this event in the past please review it for us here

More Events in Wiltshire in March

Colerne Amateur Operatic Society Spring Show, Colerne

Spring Open Day and Factory Sale!, Wentworth Wooden Jigsaw Company Limited, Malmesbury

North Wiltshire Orchestra Spring Concert, Chippenham

Brit Quote:
The past is a great place and I don't want to erase it or to regret it, but I don't want to be its prisoner either - Mick Jagger
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On this day:
Battle of Berwick - 1296, Fire Claims 19 Glasgow Firefighters - 1960
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