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James Corden

It’s very rare that anything on British TV these days is different. Step forward then as hero of the week James Corden for his contributions to Sport Relief: the sheer oddity of his sketch with David Beckham may never be beaten; and getting Wayne Rooney, Rio Ferdinand et al to do an aerobics routine with him likewise – tip the topper to Rooney too for getting well into the spirit of the thing. It was less shocking that he beat Andy Murray at tennis while blindfold though. But Beckham and Corden in bed; flower arranging; and bathing... Weird, wonderful, decidedly worrying; and several million times more interesting than any other telethon entertainment bits in living memory.

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A man who trusts nobody is apt to be the kind of man nobody trusts - Harold Macmillan
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On this day:
Battle of Stirling Bridge - 1297, Sack of Drogheda - 1649, Scotland votes Yes to a Scottish Parliament - 1997, Attacks by Islamisists on New York and Washington - 2001
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