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Margaret Thatcher

To say that Margaret Thatcher wasn't everybody's cup of tea is an understatement beyond compare. Of all politicians of the pre war era she aroused the most worship and contempt - miraculously conceived in equal measure. Her policies created an invisible north-south divide and even now, almost 20 years after her departure, if you live in the North you are likely to hate her and She wouldn't have won a popularity contest in London either. Not that Thatcher seemed to care about popularity - modern politicians take heed. However with the thirty year anniversary of her first election win just behind us we are reminded of her role in bringing women to the forefront of political and therefore professional life. It wasn't that she brought a feminine touch to the highest office, nor that her policies favoured female liberation. Britain was a very male environment before 1979 and Thatcher proved that women could not only hold but even flourish in the important trusted positions. And for that (alone) we salute her

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Henry VIII marries Anne Boleyn - 1533, Robert Burns Born - 1759, The Scotsman Launched - 1817, Fox Talbot Shows First Photos - 1839, Burns Day Killer Storm - 1990
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