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The Duke of Edinburgh

Not everyones idea of a hero perhaps but we think the Duke deserves a little more from the British Media and Public - particularly as he becomes our longest serving Consort. With most of his generation now departed it is easy to forget that he served Great Britain with distinction in our navy, saw action on many occasions in the Mediterranean & Pacific and was mentioned in despatches and indeed decorated for Bravery. The Duke has continued his public work through his Duke of Edinburghs award scheme which has now run for over 50 years and has tirelessly accompanied the Queen on all of her gruelling foreign engagements.

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Brit Quote:
Everyone ought to bear patiently the results of his own conduct. - William Shakespeare
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On this day:
Henry VIII marries Anne Boleyn - 1533, Robert Burns Born - 1759, The Scotsman Launched - 1817, Fox Talbot Shows First Photos - 1839, Burns Day Killer Storm - 1990
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