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Darren Clarke

Darren Clarke’s victory in The Open was special in so many ways. He played golf with a smile on his face, able to enjoy a joke with the crowds and a chat with Dustin Johnson who seemed genuinely pleased to see the Irishman win. With a cig on half the time, and dressed in what looked strangely like sweat pants, Clarke seemed like an ordinary bloke doing something truly extraordinary, showing heroic nerve when more lauded rivals buckled. And his victor’s speech was the finest in living memory, sincere, remembering all those who had contributed to the event, gracefully bringing both the wife he lost five years ago and his newfound love into his thoughts - and looking forward to a wee drink.

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The very first requirement in a hospital is that it should do the sick no harm. - Florence Nightingale
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On this day:
Execution of Catherine Howard - 1542, William and Mary proclaimed joint sovereigns - 1689, Massacre of Glencoe - 1692, Suffragettes Storm Westminster - 1907
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