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Mo Farah

It was a feat that even great names from the past like Brendan Foster and David Bedford never managed – the 5000 and 10000m double at the European Championships. Mo Farah never looked like losing in the longer event on the opening day of the athletics fiesta, the first British man to take that title, but had to dig deep to pocket the second gold. Winning long-distance races is not just about physical prowess; natural ability only gets you so far. So we tip our hats to the 27-year-old Mo Farah for the guts and sheer hard slog it has taken to race to the finishing line in Barcelona from the day he arrived in Britain from Somalia aged 10, with barely a word of English; even if he is an Arsenal fan.

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On this day:
Battle of Fulford - 1066, Executions of Babington Plotters Begin - 1586, Battle of Newbury - 1st - 1643, QE2 Launched - 1967
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