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Royal Wootton Bassett

This hero of the hour has in fact been acting heroically since 2007. Since then the Wiltshire market town of Wootton Bassett has with commendable dignity demonstrated respect and sorrow for the 150 young men and women whose bodies, brought home to Britain via RAF Lyneham, have passed through the town en route to coroner’s formalities in Oxford .
Our opinions about the cause behind the deaths may vary, but anyone with human sympathy will have been impressed by the town’s example.
The honour of the Royal prefix just announced for Wootton Bassett will stand as a reminder of its compassion over the last four years; but future generations may also ponder the tragic reason for it, in stark contrast with the other two holders which were chosen as places of regal amusement.

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On this day:
Battle of Fulford - 1066, Executions of Babington Plotters Begin - 1586, Battle of Newbury - 1st - 1643, QE2 Launched - 1967
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