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Robert Burns

In the week leading up to the annual celebrations commemorating Scotland’s national poet, it is fitting to have Robert Burns as our Hero of the Week. All over the world on January 25 those celebrating their Scottish heritage and Rabbie’s writings will raise a glass of Scotland’s second greatest export and toast the haggis, reciting his poem in praise of that worthy dish. Burns, though a regular churchgoer, demonstrates the other side of Scotland’s Calvinist coin: his poetry is peppered with references to food and drink; indeed he enjoyed far more than the occasional glass, and found his inspiration there: “Oh thou, my Muse! Guid, auld Scotch drink!” He died young, but in his 37 years Burns wrote prodigiously; sired children by numerous women; and graced many taverns. A particular type of hero.

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All that we are not stares back at what we are. - W H Auden
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On this day:
Henry VIII marries Anne Boleyn - 1533, Robert Burns Born - 1759, The Scotsman Launched - 1817, Fox Talbot Shows First Photos - 1839, Burns Day Killer Storm - 1990
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