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Queen Elizabeth II

Our sovereign since her accession on February 6 1952, as of May 13 2011 Queen Elizabeth is the second longest serving monarch in British history, passing the 54 years and 96 days of George III. It is not perhaps entirely polite to mention it, but in 2007 she became out longest-lived monarch, that honour previously held by Queen Victoria whose record reign Elizabeth II will surpass on September 9 2015. In often turbulent times such longevity is not achieved without real steel. We look forward to her Diamond Jubilee in 2012, and are already wondering which jewel or metal denotes a 75th anniversary.

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The world is a place on which England is to be found - GK Chesterton
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On this day:
Battle of Aberdeen - 1644, Battle of Philiphaugh - 1645, Wolfe takes Quebec - 1759
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