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Keith Floyd

Tweed jacket, bow tie, enthusing about food with a large glass of red wine in one hand while the other gesticulated emphatically – that is the image conjured by Keith Floyd’s name for many of us. Four divorces, numerous failed projects, financial difficulties, yet his was still a life of immense fulfilment and value. Delia may appeal to the saint in us; Floyd to the sinner – his food philosophy was all fun and feasting. So raise a glass to junior army officer turned gastronome Keith Floyd, a proper British hero worth celebrating. And, jocularity and bonhomie aside the legacy Keith leaves is a very real one. As the only TV Cook worth watching for a decade Floydie almost single handedly turned the Nation on to food - go ask todays TV Chefs who inspired them - you will find the answer unanimous

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A friend is a gift you give yourself. - Robert Louis Stevenson
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On this day:
Execution of Catherine Howard - 1542, William and Mary proclaimed joint sovereigns - 1689, Massacre of Glencoe - 1692, Suffragettes Storm Westminster - 1907
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