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The Lawrence Family

Since the terrible day in 1993 when their son Stephen was murdered Doreen and Neville Lawrence have fought for justice, faced in the early years by what can at best be called the indifferent police investigation, a whiff of suspected corruption and a stench of racism hanging over aspects of the case. The conviction of Gary Dobson and David Norris is a triumph for the couple; but it is only some justice, perhaps some comfort. It is fervently hoped that others involved in the murder will be brought to account. Various memorials to Stephen exist, among them an architecture prize and an architecture centre for young people like Stephen aspiring to that profession. Less tangible but of greater significance are the changes to policing and the law that have resulted from the dogged determination of the Lawrences. As with their battle for justice we are doubtless only part way there, but the heroic example of the teacher and carpenter who were and are relentless in their cause will continue to inspire others to join them in the struggle against the vestiges of institutional racism, and give pause for thought to all but the most bigoted in our society.

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I went out with this girl the other night, she wore this real slinky number...She looked great going down the stairs - Milton Jones
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On this day:
First English Parliament Held - 1265, Edward Balliol Renounces Scottish Crown - 1356, The Great Severn Tsunami - 1606, Charles I Goes on Trial - 1649
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